Thursday, May 17, 2012


2nd semester is all about stoichiometry!  Remember to make units cancel or it isn't going to work!

Suggestions for your FRONT only 3x5 card -    CHOOSE what you have trouble remembering.
  • concentration of solutions formulas,
  • a few polyatomic ions or chemical names/formulas as examples
  • general equations for dissolution, acid/base reactions, or the basic rxn types
  • one ICE table
  • acid/base formulas - pH, pOH, Kw, etc.
  • one K expression
ANSWER KEY TO EXAM REVIEW PROBLEM SET  - remember to bring this and your book to the exam!

Multiple Choice Practice with answers 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Test tomorrow? Study suggestions.
 1. Scan chapter 12 in your book.  Stop and read if vocabulary terms aren't familiar to you.
 2. Read your notes or even scroll down to the last post and open the 3 powerpoints.
     Want a short version? Try slideshow Click on the Acids, pH and equilibrium slideshow and then the one for bases.
3.Make a list of things  to memorize - strong acids/strong bases/formulas/naming.
4. Look at your multiple choice quizzes.
5. Try the Questions for Review multiple choice!

 Try the pH part 2 practice at

The lecture notes posted on the blog post below! 

Here are the answers to Exercises 12.1 - 12.18
12.1a.  HNO2 and NO2- are a pair; water and hydronium
       b. phosphate and hydrogen phosphate; HF and F-

12.2 a. water   b. H2PO4-  (dihydrogen phosphate)     c. HC2O4-

12. 3 a. water   b. H2PO4-  (dihydrogen phosphate)     c.sulfate

12.4 a hypochlorous (contains the hypochlorite ion)
        b hydrosulfuric acid ( a binary acid)
         c oxalic acid (contains oxalate)
         d. phosphoric acid (contains phosphate ion)
          e. boric acid  (contains the borate ion)

12.5 a.  Agree Polyprotic means at least TWO H+ are present. If one H+ is donated then another can still be donated.
         b. AGREE  A negative ion can accept a proton.
         c. DISAGREE  A positive ion may not have a H+ to donate.  (Like metal cations - K+)

12.6 a. hydrogen sulfate ion (acid) carbonate ion (base)
            hydrogen carbonate ion (acid) sulfate ion (base)

        b.  hydrogen sulfate is a stronger aicd than hydrogen carbonate ion (See Ka table.)
        c. Stronger to weaker - to the right

12.7 a. 4      b. 2

12.8  1 x 10-6 M

12.9 a. 9     b. x = 1.0 x 10-5               c. Basic  More OH- than H+

12.10 a. pH=9        b pH= 12          c. pH= 1

12.11  [OH-] = 10-8

12.12     20 mL KOH

12.13 0.3 M NaOH

12.14 31 mL Ba(OH)2

12.15   a.  neutral  b. basic   c. basic   d. acid  e. acid    f. acid

12.16 Phosphate ion + water <-> hydrogen phosphate ion and HYDROXIDE

12.17 pH= 1.8    SHOW YOUR ICE table

12.18  SHOW TWO ICE TABLES   - Solve first for Ka which is 1x 10-6
            Use Ka and the 2nd table to solve for a pH of 3.5

Monday, April 23, 2012

Acid/Base Study Help

  • Quiz tomorrow - Know names and formulas for strong acids and bases/Know acid/base pairs
  •  Collecting "Strength of Acids" tomorrow!
  • Acids and Bases Lecture Notes - part 1/introduction    part 2 pH  part 3: titration
  • Have you begun your Solutions Project? It's due May 2.
 Try the pH part 2 practice at

QUIZLET FUN - Study your nomenclature of acids and bases. I used vocab terms as well!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Acid and Base Mindmap

I discovered a free mind mapping tool today.  I know many of you have used mind maps.  With text2mindmap you just enter your outline and it creates a mind map. Freeze the map to manipulate after your color choices are made.  Save the map as a jpg file when you are done.  This is a GREAT product #5 for the chapter 8 solutions project. (Use 15 or more terms in your mindmap!)

Here's my acid/base mindmap to show you what you are going to learn in this acid/base chapter.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


PowerPoint Notes about the Equilibrium Constant and  LeChatlier's Principle  (Have you read chap 11?)

Sciencegeek Equilibrium Practice

Brightstorm Calculation Help

800mainstreet - a good review site

LeChat - 4 questions with answer KEY

Quiz with Answers


You have LOTS of resources above to study with.  I recommend reading the notes ppt through carefully and if you haven't reading the chapter.  Of course you should look at the problem sets.  You'll find this chapter very logical, but you must memorize a few key pieces.  To memorize its best to study in shorter sessions and even better if you sleep between them.  Good luck studying for Monday's test.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Here is a great  multiple choice review at 

 - updated link 

QUIZ tomorrow.  Know what G, S, and H are and know their units!
                               Know the equation that relates them!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Studying for Thermochemistry

The powerpoint will be posted on 3/26 on the assignment calendar.
 Here is the Hess's Law practice with answers.
Another great place to study is actually from sparknotes: we do not have to calculate enthalpy from bond energies, but everything else matches our unit.
Your reading guide is very useful; this book has good concise explanations for this chapter. We have already looked at the endo and exothermic energy diagrams in chapter 9 that include activation energy. Don't forget about those.
Here is the heat of solution lab that we completed or will complete in the computer lab.
Email me if I can post something else for you!